Recent Posts

Wiltshire’s Little Known Places

Historical sites you may never have been to.
Speaker James Archard
Have you ever wondered about the hidden historical gems nestled within the picturesque county of Wiltshire?

First 1000 Years Depicting Christ

Martyn has written many educational and history books, particularly on Anglo-Saxon England and the early medieval period, and is an experienced communicator.


Wool has provided the raw material for clothing for thousands of years and the talk will show how the woollen trade enabled three west Wiltshire towns to become thriving industrial centres.

Forthcoming Talks 2025 at Dilton Memorial Hall ★

Avon Valley Frontiers — Martyn Whittock, 28th February 2025

Past Events 2024 ★

Somerset Coalfields — Shane Gould (BA M Soc. Sci), 30th August 2024
Past Event: 30th August 2024

Dilton Marsh Local History Society

Those of you who attended our scheduled talk ‘The Somerset Coalfields’, on Friday July 19th, will be aware that problems with the hall projector system forced us to cancel the session.

Our speaker Shane Gould, has offered to return at an agreed convenient date, to deliver his talk.

We are now in a position to offer the talk on Friday 30th August, and as such, hope all those who attended will be able to take advantage of his kind offer.

Shane Gould gives an illustrated talk taking us through the story of local coal from Roman times to 1973. His extensive research has revealed lost older collieries, and recent photos show some of the remains of colliery sites that can still be seen today.

Revised Date

Friday 30th August 7.30pm at Dilton Marsh Memorial Hall
All welcome!
For further information, contact 01373 858561


Warminster — Dorothy Treasure, 28th June 2024

Past Event: Friday 28th June 2024


An Illustrated Talk by Dorothy Treasure, Principal Buildings Historian at the Wiltshire Buildings Record.

Dorothy Treasure’s work with historic buildings grew from an involvement in the Community Programme Scheme to record industrial buildings in North Wilts, particularly farm buildings, mills, breweries and malthouses.

From there she did a stint with the National Trust on their Vernacular Buildings Survey of the Wessex Regional estates of Stourhead, Lacock and Failand near Bristol. This was the first survey the National Trust had undertaken to understand the smaller houses and cottages that they owned.

This stood her in good stead when she became the principal buildings historian with Wiltshire Buildings Record, leading a team of volunteers in commissioned recordings of the buildings of Wiltshire.

She is still currently in that role, and alongside helping people find out the history of their homes, she regularly gives talks about Wiltshire’s historic building legacy and arranges a successful Study Day of lectures each year on a buildings theme.

Friday 28th June 7.30pm at Dilton Marsh Memorial Hall
Admission — £2.00 members
£4.00 — non-members

All welcome!

For further information, contact 01373 858561


The Young Elizabeth the First — Dr. Nicola Tallis, 31 May 2024

Past Event: Fr 31st May


We welcome a return visit by Dr Nicola Tallis, author and historian

who has written a number of books about significant women of the Tudor Period.

Her recent research has been about the turbulent early life of Queen Elizabeth the First and

details the dangers and tragedies that shaped the young princess for her future role.

Friday 31 May 7.30pm at Dilton Marsh Memorial Hall
Admission — £2.00 members
£4.00 — non-members

All welcome!

For further information, contact 01373 858561

Queen Elizabeth 1st Hammered Silver Sixpence, 1574

Queen Elizabeth 1st Hammered Silver Sixpence, 1574

Queen Elizabeth 1st Hammered Silver Sixpence, 1574

Queen Elizabeth 1st Hammered Silver Sixpence, 1574


Broken Pots, Mending Lives - The Archaeology of Operation Nightingale

Past Event:  Friday 26th April

Speaker: Richard Osgood

Richard provides an insight into Operations Nightingale which is innovative recovery programme
that supports wounded soldiers through involvement in archaeology.

Dilton Marsh Memorial Hall, at 7.30pm
Admission £4.00 non-members,
£2.00 members

All welcome!

For further information, contact 01373 858561


The Woollen Industry - 1000 Years of Warp & Weft

Past Event: Speaker: David Birks from Trowbridge Museum

Wool has provided the raw material for clothing for thousands of years and the talk will show how the woollen trade enabled three west Wiltshire towns to become thriving industrial centres.

Friday 26th January at 7.30pm
Dilton Marsh Memorial Hall
Admission £4.00 non-members, £2.00 members

All welcome!

For further information, contact 01373 858561


First 1000 years Depicting Christ

Past Event: Speaker: Martyn Whittock

Martyn has written many educational and history books, particularly on Anglo-Saxon England and the early medieval period, and is an experienced communicator.

Dilton Marsh Memorial Hall
Friday 23rd February 2024
Admission £4.00 non-members, £2.00 members

All welcome!

For further information, contact 01373 858561


Wiltshire Little Known Places

Past Event: Historical sites you may never have been to…

Speaker: James Archard

Have you ever wondered about the hidden historical gems nestled within the picturesque county of Wiltshire?
James will embark on a journey through time, exploring the lesser-known historical sites that lie beneath the surface of this renowned region.
While many are familiar with the prominent landmarks that adorn Wiltshire’s landscape, there exists a wealth of history waiting to be uncovered in the shadows of these well-trodden paths.
Join us as he delves into the historical places in Wiltshire that may have eluded your radar, revealing the intriguing stories and secrets that they hold.

Friday March 22nd at 7.30pm
Dilton Marsh Memorial Hall
Admission £2.00 members, £4.00 non-members

All welcome

For further information, contact 01373 858561


Recent Posts

Wiltshire’s Little Known Places

Historical sites you may never have been to.
Speaker James Archard
Have you ever wondered about the hidden historical gems nestled within the picturesque county of Wiltshire?

First 1000 Years Depicting Christ

Martyn has written many educational and history books, particularly on Anglo-Saxon England and the early medieval period, and is an experienced communicator.


Wool has provided the raw material for clothing for thousands of years and the talk will show how the woollen trade enabled three west Wiltshire towns to become thriving industrial centres.