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Forthcoming Talks 2025 at Dilton Memorial Hall ★
Upcoming Events 2024
Wiltshire’s Little Known Places
Historical sites you may never have been to.
Speaker James Archard
Have you ever wondered about the hidden historical gems nestled within the picturesque county of Wiltshire?
First 1000 Years Depicting Christ
Martyn has written many educational and history books, particularly on Anglo-Saxon England and the early medieval period, and is an experienced communicator.
Loneliness and Covid-19
I’m writing to let you know about the launch of our exciting new project called “The Lockdown Blues”, which has gone live this week: https://lockdownblues.co.uk/. This is an online scrapbook to gather thoughts, experiences and reflections on loneliness, solitude and isolation in the South West during Covid-19.
We’re trying to reach anybody who might like to contribute something, and we’d like to hear from a range of perspectives, including people who may have experienced loneliness themselves, as well as people who might provide a service/support to potentially vulnerable groups. Contributions could be through poems, songs, paintings, stories, sketches, videos, letters or a few brief notes – any format is welcome. You can browse our first submissions and get involved through the website whenever you’re ready.
We hoped this might be of specific interest to U3A, and we would be extremely pleased if any of your members wanted to submit something to our scrapbook. I also wondered if you might have contacts or networks who could help raise awareness of the project? If you do, would you be comfortable circulating it? I’ve attached a press release with further info and some website artwork, and please find below a few suggested tweets/social media announcements if you’d like to share it online and would find this useful (but feel free to write your own!).
As we note on the site, anonymous and offline/postal contributions are all welcome. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.
Best wishes,
Dr Charlotte Jone
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health | University of Exeter