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First 1000 Years Depicting Christ

Martyn has written many educational and history books, particularly on Anglo-Saxon England and the early medieval period, and is an experienced communicator.

The History of Clay Pipes in Great Britain

Mar 6, 2023

Marek Lewcun’s talk on Friday 24th March 2023
Dilton Marsh Local History Society will be presenting a talk to be given by Marek Lewcun, archaeologist and Clay Pipe expert.
Marek was one of the Archaeologists who assisted and advised our society during the “Digging for Dilton“ project.
He is probably the leading expert on this subject in UK.
He has kindly offered to review and give dates etc. on any clay smoking pipes or bowls which our members/audience may wish to bring to the talk on Friday 24th March 7.30 pm at Dilton Memorial Hall.
He is particularly interested in any Pipes or Stems with the initial D.C. possibly a Daniel Crabb, along with the pipe maker “William Spender” who manufactured somewhere in Dilton between 1640 to 1694. This location is still to be found.
Should anyone with examples of Clay Pipes who is unable to attend the talk then please do contact myself and I will see that they are made available for Marek’s report.
For further information, contact 01373 858561

Dilton Marsh Memorial Hall
Friday 24th January at 7.30pm

Admission £4.00 non-members, £2.00 members

All welcome