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Forthcoming Talks 2025 at Dilton Memorial Hall ★
Upcoming Events 2024
Wiltshire’s Little Known Places
Historical sites you may never have been to.
Speaker James Archard
Have you ever wondered about the hidden historical gems nestled within the picturesque county of Wiltshire?
First 1000 Years Depicting Christ
Martyn has written many educational and history books, particularly on Anglo-Saxon England and the early medieval period, and is an experienced communicator.
Dilton Marsh’s January News 2019
The society, as readers will note, are joining the hedgehogs this month, rolling up in a ball and waiting for February. We will then awake on Friday, February 22nd to welcome Steve Hobbs who has agreed to give the rendition of “Dens of Satun, Nightwalkers and Poor Labourers(Maintaining Law and Order in 17C Wiltshire. Quite a mouthful but Steve as many of you will know is more than up to the job. This will take place at the Dilton Memorial Hall. Admission £4 for non-members and £2 for members.
Just a reminder that on the 27th March we have martin Bracher from the Chippenham History Centre giving his talk entitled “Early Crime and Punishment. Again this will be at the Dilton Memorial Hall.
The society will also he holding an “Open Day” at the Dilton memorial Hall on Saturday the 25th April between 10.00 am and 2.00pm. This is an opportunity to view some of the many photographs, Publications, maps and items etc that have been assembled over the past years. All are most welcome and no charges will apply.
Society members have been invited to a “Tour and display of Local History Resources” at the Wiltshire History Centre, Chippenham by county archivist Margaret Moles. Margaret has a great knowledge and understanding of how best to use their resources. Dates for this are yet to be agreed.
Finally as some of you will know the society are looking into placing a “Blue Plaque” to commemorate the life and connection with Dilton Marsh of John Atyeo, England and Bristol City. On retirement from Bristol City, John was also head of the mathematics department at Kingdown School Warminster.
Funding of this is as yet still to be agreed but should any readers feel that would like to contribute then please feel free to contact Graham Noble at g.rc.noble@ btinternet or alternatively on 01373 859770. Initial costs for a bronze plaque look as though they should be between 2 to 3 hundred pounds.