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Forthcoming Talks 2025 at Dilton Memorial Hall ★
Upcoming Events 2024
Wiltshire’s Little Known Places
Historical sites you may never have been to.
Speaker James Archard
Have you ever wondered about the hidden historical gems nestled within the picturesque county of Wiltshire?
First 1000 Years Depicting Christ
Martyn has written many educational and history books, particularly on Anglo-Saxon England and the early medieval period, and is an experienced communicator.
Wool has provided the raw material for clothing for thousands of years and the talk will show how the woollen trade enabled three west Wiltshire towns to become thriving industrial centres.
October News 2019
The history society were treated on Friday 13th September to a quite brilliant talk from Martin Brown,assistant county archaeologist on WW 1 Trench Warfare preparations.I’m sure many of us were unaware of the scale and detail that had taken place throughout the country to train and equip our soldiers for their allotted tasks. It should be said that the Dilton memorial Halls new screen and projector systems certainly added to the level of enjoyment.
Onwards to October, when our local musician, Din Ghani, will be giving his talk on the Lute: its evolution and role in European musical history over the ages. Din has made lutes now for several years and the detail and skill required are best seen to be appreciated. He has promised to give us a brief introduction to their construction, with examples of the finished articles on display. The talk will be held at the Memorial hall on Friday 18th October 7.30 pm as usual.
We have recently secured the promise of a talk from Sally Hendry, who some will remember recently gave a most interesting talk on the Westbury Work House , with the title “The Bratton Murders” I am assured it will be suitable even for those of us of a nervier disposition. The talk will be again held at the Dilton memorial hall on Friday 15th November. 7.30 pm.
Oral History
Could I ask readers to let me know if they have any suggestions as to individuals who have resided in Dilton Marsh, say through the 50s and 60s, who might be willing to share their memories of day to day life in Dilton Marsh. It really can prove such a rich and rewarding resource to tap into these recollections.
Sad News
Dilton Marsh have recently lost one of its longest residents, John Bishop, a true gentleman, who lived in Dilton for more or less his entire life. We are so glad to have been able to record John’s war time memories, which will give future listeners a far better window into his character than simply the written word.
Graham Noble